September 17, 2007

Ongoing pursuit of imperfection

As mentioned in the blog post below, I am currently in the throes of figuring out how to rid myself of an insidious perfectionism. There are a bunch of different parts to this, of course - one of which is figuring out how I got into this state, but another is finding practical applications to help me conquer the perfectionism beast.

This link explains one of my favorites because it works with my nature instead of against it... the concept here is how to do the best job you can on a task WITHIN A GIVEN TIME LIMIT. So, instead of a goal to write the best blog post possible, I have goal to write the best blog post I can in 15 minutes or less. There's still a goal, it still includes doing my best, but it keeps me from staying up all night crafting and recrafting my words for maximum effect when, in reality, no one is reading this blog yet but Big E.

And by the way, props to my friend Kathleen, a psychologist. Last year sometime, a mutual friend confessed she had a clutter problem that no system, no book, no amount of FlyLady seemed to master. I could barely restrain my glee at the thought of organizing a clutterbug... Kathleen pointed out (with an eyebrow raised) that my condition could be as problematic as our friend's. I dismissed it at the time, but oh dear, I do believe she's right.

Anyone else with a perfectionist streak that's getting in their way?


Anonymous said...

Not true...I'm reading! Isn't it fun? Yes, I too have that streak of hearing of someone else's clutter and wanting to run over in glee and throw it all out, I mean organize it for them!
cmg's mom

Katie said...

I am reading too. I guess I should find some time to update my blog so you will have something to read.

Anonymous said...

little bro here...
oh yeah. I wrestle with perfectionism ALL... THE... TIME. I usually just pin him to a couch or chair by sitting on him. Then I read a book. 'swhy I'm always reading and I never get anything done. gotta keep that sucker under control. Now if I could just get Aim to understand that... ;-)

The Curly Redhead said...

Thanks for reading - it makes the writing side so fun. I check my Google Reader like a fiend now - has anyone I know posted? I have to go read it!. I assume this fascination will wear off, but I won't this be great as people do this more and more to be able to keep up with friends all over the country on a daily basis without massive correspondence? Wow. Wow!