May 23, 2008


I'm thinking of never saying "goodbye" again, but changing it to "Godbye". I won't, because I won't remember that at the right moment, and anyway, it sounds a little awkward... but it's more how I feel about goodbyes these days. First of all, I'm trying to be thankful for the time God has provided me with each friend who leaves (even though I stamp my foot like a toddler in a temper each time I get the news someone's moving.) And secondly, He can and will orchestrate reunions for us... some here and some in heaven, but I can count on the fact that these women will be part of my eternal life.

Although some of them will be mortified, as they move away I want to honor each one. I live in a pretty transient town (although nowhere near as transient as where I came from before this), so these will be spread out, starting now and going through July.

Tomorrow morning, Bridget leaves. As long as I've known Bridget, I've known the day would be coming when she and her family (husband and two ADORABLE boys) would be moving on... med school does that to a family. But as she sat through two bible study cycles with me, served with me on steering for MOPS, and kept her even temper in the most trying/exhausting/ draining of circumstances, I grew to love her despite trying to protect my heart.

Bridget on the right - an intent listener, as usual.

So Bridget, please know that everytime I think of you, the word faithful will dance through my head along with my favorite images of you (topped by your charade of "cocktail dress"). Faithful to your family in all circumstances; faithful to your friends when they need you most; and eagerly growing everyday in your faithfulness to our Father. I pray a lavishness of blessings on you and Bob, and a legacy of faith for your boys.

Bridget and BFF Lauren. Flash still gets them confused.

Bridget drawing a flat tire - with her eyes closed! Lauren guessed it.


Katie said...

Thanks for the reminder about goodbyes. I am definitely having some tantrums over these lately. I try to remember that my life has been so enriched by all the friends to whom I've had to say goodbye over the years, and that's well worth the sadness than if God had "protected" me from the goodbyes to begin with.