September 1, 2008

Words to the wise

Words that our children got wrong and we delight in so much, we've never had the heart or will to correct them:

Commercional (commercial)

Kamote (remote)

Black minnow (Black widow - as in spider, and that's a whole story by itself)

On this same theme, Flash is currently appearing at my side at random moments with a stuffed animal in hand, generally his lizard, and informing me of some heroic deed his lizard just completed.
Flash: Mommy, Lizard just jumped from the brown sofa to the orange sofa and rescued JackJack from the sharks.

Mommy (as I pick up Lizard and hold him up to my face in serious discussion): Lizard, I am so proud of you. First, for being brave. And secondly, for taking care of a Chambers Champion! Good job, Lizard.

Flash (reaching up to pet Lizard): Yea good job, Lizard! He's a brave lizard, isn't he, Mom?
Mommy: Yes, he is, honey. A brave lizard who wants to give you a kiss.

Flash (with implied eye roll): Noooo, Mommy. Mommy, Lizard is just pe-tend.

Mommy: Yup. Okay then.


Cindy Hersman said...

ooooh I just love that Flash!