December 19, 2007

We wish you a

Merry Christmas!

This has been a crazy year. We evidently threw our concern for security and stability out the window sometime in January, and have lived like the Flying Walenzas ever since.
In truth, I have had days where I have frantically dug in the mulch outside of said proverbial window in a desperate attempt to locate said security. I'm sure Big E. has too, although blessedly, never on the same days.

In the end, as these experiences always seem to do (amazing, isn't it?), I can't remember when I've grown so much in a single year. Last January seems like another lifetime and perhaps another person ago. And these three are growing so quickly, it only adds to the sense of just how fast life is moving...

Top 5 blessings of 2007:

1. Discovering JackJack's food allergies and getting them under control.
2. Having Daddy working from home so he can run out when the snow only falls for 30 minutes.
3. Beginning to homeschool. I love my kids. And now, I really know my kids.
4. New friends. We (me especially) are blessed with so many new friends. Unbelievable.
5. Learning just how much God really does love me.

Current catchphrases:
Daddy: "Who wants to jump on the trampoline?"

Mermaid Princess: "I'm a great artist, amn't I? And dancer. And speller. And singer."

Flash: "Mermaid Princess!!! Let's go be superheroes!"

JackJack: "I JackJack Einsteins. I cute. My turhn!"

Mommy: "Can you pick that up?" or wait, maybe it's "what should we have for dinner?" or no, maybe it's, "Let's make a list..."
I should go ask the kids.

We hope this Christmas finds you full of
peace, joy, contentment and love.
We are praying for a year full of His presence for each of you.

Much love,
The Curly Redhead and family


Katie said...

Merry Christmas to you, too! We have been so blessed by your friendship this year. May 2008 bring more joy and blessings to you all.
Love to you!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Chambers family!
Laura, Brad and Carter

3 Peanuts said...

Beautiful! Merry Christmas and a Blessed new Year!!!!
