July 17, 2008

A Day

It's been a day. Every mommy knows these kinds of day...

All three kids needed naps. They knew they needed naps. They headed happily up to their beds. And yet, it became very apparent after 45 minutes that no one was actually going to sleep. Up we got. Bickering began immediately.

So, while I went out to water the tomato plant...

JackJack slipped upstairs and by the time I found him, he had pulled a stool up and gotten down 2 different bottles of shampoo which were rapidly sluiced across the floor, the stool, and JackJack's hair.

So then...

After getting him showered off and into pajamas, I started dinner. This time, he slipped out the back door without me noticing. I was only aware of his disappearance when Mermaid Princess came running in to tell me that JackJack had dismantled the only healthy tomato on our plant... the one plant I have truly tended to all summer.

So then...
I started working on tomorrow night's menu only to realize we really are short on just about everything and are going to have to do a grocery run whether we want to or not...

But none of this topped being at the dollar store after Vacation Bible School early this afternoon with three exhausted, hungry kids, one of whom was determined to make a plea for every bag of candy, one of whom was determined the race the cart through the narrow aisles (end caps be darned!), and one who wanted to try out every single thing that looked remotely like it could be a cell phone. Within 10 minutes, my patience was wearing VERY thin. Still, I wondered at the strange looks I was getting, as my mommy voice grew increasing tense and tight.

It wasn't that I got home that I realized I was still wearing my Bible School shirt. It's flame orange and very clearly not the kind of t-shirt that could be mistaken for something from Old Navy. Part of me wanted to laugh and part of me was ready to burst into tears.

I'm settling for going to bed very, very early. G'night.


Heather said...

And it is days like this that I am reminded of a comment that my very wise mil said. "this is why some mothers eat their young!" I m sorry you had such a rough day. Glad you chose bed over some whipped cream and some curly topped redheads :D