July 14, 2008

Band of... okay, Duet of Brothers

Why can't we all just get along?

After months of praying that the boys would start to become friends... just perhaps more than tolerate each other in the same room... we've had an about face.

Today, after our first day of Vacation Bible School:

Mommy: Flash, who should we go get first? Mermaid Princess or JackJack?

Flash: JackJack.

Mommy (a little confused): No, who should we go get first?

Flash: Mommy, let's get JackJack.

(We go get JackJack, with great grins and giggles).

Mommy: Okay, JackJack, let's go get Mermaid Princess.

JackJack: Don't want M'maid Pincess.

Mommy: Sweetheart, we need to go get our girl.

JackJack: (in rapidly escalating pitch): Don't WANT M'maid Pincess.

on a happier day

What in the world??? And I know everyone says the middle kid always has to put up with the most, but from my vantage point, it seems like he has it made. He ALWAYS has a playmate, while the other two each have to wait turns for his attention. Ironically, he is also the one who would probably be happiest by himself.


Amy said...

Hey! I'm hoping to see you at VBS on Wed. and Thurs. I'm gonna be in town visiting a friend and my kids may tag along with her kids... It will be great to see you!
As to sibling relationships:
It's all a mystery isn't it? Today was one big argument between the boys in my home. But, when I finally separated the two older boys from playing with eachother, each of them was so sad to be without the other that they opted to take a nap rather than be in different rooms!