November 7, 2007

Small gestures.

It's not the greatest photo in the world, but it means everything to me. This is the first captured memory of these two boys being nice to each other by their own volition in the almost two years since JackJack arrived.

JackJack was so sick for so long, and he wasn't one of those cute, snuggly sick kids. Nope. He was vicious. Bite. Kick. Scratch. Head butt. He was miserable and he wanted everyone around him to be miserable too.

Especially Flash.

Not the "Leave It To Beaver" atmosphere I was going for.

It says something about how plain mean JackJack was that he has been diagnosed as celiac since March, gluten-free and a joy to live with since April, and only now will Flash (my extremely laid-back and forgiving child) sit near him or take note of his accomplishments.

His comment after this popcorn sharing: "Daddy, JackJack is nice now! He doesn't bite me anymore."

Of course, the hot sauce might have had something to do with the end to the biting, but for now...

Yip yip yip yip yip yipppeeeeee!!!! These boys just might end up being best friends.