January 5, 2008

Now is the winter...

of our discontent. Well, it started out being Mermaid Princess' discontent, but rapidly became a lesson in just how easily I succumb to that wintery vice.

In the post below, you'll read about our new swingset. Eight people came to help us clear the site, assemble the set and move it to its new home in the back corner of our yard.

I cannot begin to count the man hours involved, including my father's prep time, and Big E.'s trip to purchase the lumber 48 hours after Christmas when no lumber trucks were making runs that week. A huge investment of time and effort from so many.

My father actually modified the design of the swingset so that we could add a two-seat swing onto one end. Not original to the design, it ended up that we were going to have to do some revamping of the set up to make that work, and it wouldn't be ready on the day of the swingset raising.

Mermaid Princess was devastated. Nevermind that we had three perfectly good swings where none had existed just 8 hours previously. Nevermind that we promised to have the glider operational within 3 days. Nope - she sobbed and sulked about the one part of the entire set up that wasn't perfect.

And I will admit that, in the moment, I got mad. Anger flooding up my spine mad. Now, I knew she hadn't had her nap, and I knew that she was overstimulated from Christmas and parties and visitors and everything else that December had held. And still, as I sat and talked with her, her repeated choice to focus on the one piece that would have to wait instead of the tremendous gift she had just received really, really got under my skin.

We went inside to each write lists of three things that we were each thankful for when it hit me... my little princess wasn't doing anything here that I haven't done to God a thousand times (at least). He has given me gifts too outrageous to even list, grace when least deserved, mercy when completely unwarranted, sweet children, a lovely home, and a husband whom I think many women would consider killing me for. And yet, how often do I spend a part of my day disgruntled and ornery over the one thing that I think is keeping me separated from 'happiness' or maybe 'fulfillment' (generally the unfinished laundry)?

Ugh. For a moment there, I truly contemplated how many days a month, okay, days a week, that probably is and I am now sick to my stomach.

Thank goodness, THANK GOODNESS, I know from Phillippians 4 that contentment is a learned trait, because if it were merely doled out, I would know I didn't get any and give up. But if it can be learned, then I will be stubborn about learning it until I too can state that I have learned "in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."

I think I'll start with being thankful for being a parent, for the unending joys it brings, the character it develops (can I get an amen?), and the illumination it casts on my relationship with my Father in heaven.

And on Monday morning, when the laundry needs to be done and the bathrooms mopped and the kids are squabbling and I am trying to get our homeschool lessons underway... well, Lord, what a good time for me to head back to Your school and re-learn some lessons of my own.


LiveDog said...

Just today had to take out 3 women who were trying to off my wife to get to me.

It's a tough life. (Wait, focus on the good's really nice learning how to disarm people in 17 different ways.)