October 2, 2007

We are the SuperHeroes!

Homeschooling... in some other blog, I'll go into ALL the reasons we chose to start homeschooling. As I have had to start defending our choice to others, I've realized that my most driving reason has nothing to do with religion. This is important because the most resistance I feel has been from other Christian moms who feel that my choice to homeschool puts them in a bad light - like it somehow means they aren't as dedicated to their children as I am.

What is it about Christians that we do this to ourselves and to each other?

Instead of a talk here about why we homeschool, however, I wanted to share this moment in our homeschooling journey.

We are preparing to leave for the beach for a week, starting tomorrow. This came up last minute-ish, and is a gift to us by someone I have known all my life. So, while I usually like to pack bit by bit over a week, we are packing in a fury, and took the day off from homeschooling. (Not to worry, the kids beg to do school each day, so we are taking some with us, as well as some cool crafts to do about jellyfish and starfish and octopi).

So over lunch, Mermaid Princess brought me a piece of paper with the words to the National Anthem on them and asked me to tell her the story. So I did, about how some bad guys wanted to take over our country and tell us what to do and take a bunch of our money. And then how they came in big ships, and how if they took over this one city, they would probably win and be our bosses. And we were flying our flag and they were flying their flag and whichever flag was still up when the sun came up, that team would win.

They got it! They wanted to know all about where the battle was - so out came the map. And they wanted to know what the bad guys were wearing, so we popped up a page about the redcoats. And they wanted to know what weapons were being used...

Flash: And I was there! And I SHOT the bad guys. And their redcoats got all wet when I squirted them with water and they had to go HOME.

Mermaid Princess: But then at home they got new coats and came back!

Flash: So I SHOT them again, and they got soaking wet. And now they didn't have any more coats, and we WON.

MP: We are the superheroes!

Close. So close.

Still, we sang the national anthem together (big fans of the closing line!), and they will never hear the anthem without knowing what it really means. At 3 & 4 years old. If that's the only school they had all week, it would be enough for me.


Leighann said...

Have a great time at the beach!