April 12, 2008

The Redheaded League*

The big kids got traced by their teachers at church and I loved the tracings so much, I put them up in our Supper Club. Mermaid Princess and Flash insisted that the drawings be holding hands.

I forget who it was that saw the tracings and asked me what had happened to MP's ears... they aren't ears, she was wearing pigtails that day and this was her translation. Still, she would be a cute elephant.

I love that the most noticeable trait in Flash's figure is the shock of red hair. Growing up, my hair was blonde, and it has help in its current shade of red (yours might too if people constantly asked where your kids' red hair came from).

So, my identity is in no way connected to being a redhead - I don't think that my temper is related to my hair color, or my energy, or my stubbornness. But Flash clearly knows that being a redhead is part of who he is - and rightly so, as that's how God made him.

Today, a red-headed gentleman stopped to let our family cross a busy street. He rolled down his window and yelled, "I never could resist redheads." MP and Flash grinned ear to ear and waved to him. I think they are beginning to realize it's like a kind of club...
one that they were born into while I had to be adopted.

*The Redheaded League is a Sherlock Holmes mystery. Not Sir Conan Doyle's best effort, but still worth the read.


Amy said...

What!!?? You didn't have red hair growing up!?!?! I would have never guessed! That's a total shocker to me!

Viewer said...

Ditto to that Amy! By the way, Pip, your daughter is gorgeous!

The Curly Redhead said...

People always comment that Mermaid Princess looks just like me - only she doesn't - she looks like Dan and his mom (hooray!) In fact, none of the three kids look like me - but they all have my coloring and that's more than enough for me!

3 Peanuts said...

I love your lil redheads and I got some cute shots of these two today. I'll e0mail you them:)


I think Jessie REALLY looks like you!