March 7, 2008

Spring Gardening

I was at Michaels buying some things for our MOPS group, and I had to stop and look in the dollar bins. When you live on a budget, the dollar bins are a girl's best friend. Truly, I can get enough of a shopping buzz off of $5 from the dollar bins to tide me through the month. And one of the things I bought this month is a little picture/plaque in spring time colors. I need to doctor it up a little to make it fit our decor just right, but it was a great deal for a dollar.

So I put it in our dining room (known as 'supper club' at our house because we aren't Formal Dining Room kind of people) in a temporary location. Over dinner, Mermaid Princess and Flash had lots of questions about our new acquisition.

Flash: What does it say, Mommy?

Mermaid Princess (with effort): "Love... booms where kindness is... panted."

Mommy: Close, honey. Love blooms where kindness is planted.

Flash: What does that mean?

Mommy: Well, it means that when we are nice and thoughtful to other people, that makes more love in the world for all of us.

Flash: So if I'm kind, then love will grow and grow in my heart until it's biggest thing there?

Mommy (trying to get my breath): Yes. Yes, I think that you're right... I think that's what it means.

It is embarrassing, magical, extraordinary and chilling all at once to have your three year old teach you a life lesson as you are serving him green beans. Please, let me never forget that kindness doesn't simply grow love into 'the world' - it grows love specifically in my heart and helps choke out all the weeds that are doing their level best to take over that garden.

The first of many lessons I will learn at the feet of my children...


Amy said...

Wow. Isn't it amazing how God teaches us through these little ones?